and 2501 error 357
and 2517 error 371
and 3703 error 475
and 906 error 260
finding system tables with ID value 164
and 2517 error 371
and 2806 error 432
and 2811 error 433
and 2835 error 437
and 3703 error 475
and 4002 error 488
and 7214 error 566
and 7218 error 568
and 7220 error 569
System Administrator 135
System catalogs
restoring information in 36
System memory 225
System procedure errors 639
Error 17461 639
Error 17715 640
Error 17716 640
Error 17737 641
Error 17870 641
Error 17871 642
Error 17872 642
Error 17873 643
Error 17874 643
Error 17875 644
Error 17903 644
Error 17904 645
Error 17905 645
Error 17906 645
Error 17910 646
Error 18031 646
Error 18032 647
Error 18033 647
Error 18097 648
Error 18123 648
Error 18145 649
Error 18750 649
System table 367
errors 366
syscolumns 369
sysmessages 135
sysusages 398
and 17870 error 641
and 17903 error 644
and 17910 error 646
and 601 error 192
and 7404 error 583
and 7407 error 585
and 2514 error 369
sysusages 398
and 2550 error 393
and 916 error 264
Tt_rcvconnect error 678
column limit 339
column name rules 339
corrupt error 369
corrupted, how to fix 126
corrupted, rescuing data from 78
finding name from page number 93
master..sysmessages 135
Table corrupt error
2503 error 359
2525 error 378
2540 error 382
2546 error 386
Technical Support
reproducing problems 141
altering 39
and 216 error 153
and 806 error 236
and select into/ bulkcopy option 169, 430
and select into/bulkcopy option 430
device lost 14
log full 284
rebuilding 39