Errors in Backup Server Error Log
Errors in Backup Server Error LogThe following error messages may appear in the Backup Server error log.
Net-Library routine net_dict_open failed in srv__open_dictionary
Net-library routine net_dict_open() failed in
Network error: status = 11 - Could not find addressing dictionary.
No server log file open; Using stderr for log.
The interfaces file does not exist or cannot be opened. Check to be sure the file
exists and the permissions are set correctly.
Net-Library routine net_listen failed in srv_start_net
Net-Library routine net_listen() failed in srv__start_net.
Network error: status = 12 - Net-lib protocol driver call to
register a listener failed
This is the Open Server equivalent of “Network port already in use.”
If your system is Digital OpenVMS using DECnet:
• The SYSNAM privilege is required to start a DECnet listener, just as with
Adaptive Server. Check to be sure this privilege is set appropriately.
• If this fails to help, try using DECnet object names instead of object
numbers. If this works, then report to Sybase Technical Support that you
have encountered bug 51237.
Net-Library routine net_init failed in srv__init_net
Net-Library routine net_init() failed in srv__init_net()
Network error: status = 162 - Unable to determine Net-Library error.
No server log file open; Using stderr for log.
Localization information is not as expected, possibly the result of loading an
incompatible Sybase product release into the same $SYBASE directory as the
Backup Server. Be sure the entire release directory is up to date and that you
have not accidentally renamed or deleted localization files.