Server Error Messages 12700 - 12799
12760 10 Recovery (Suspect Granularity): Database `%.*s' - end list of pre-recovery suspect pages.
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action
is required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
12761 10 Recovery (Suspect Granularity): Page '%ld' of database '%.*s' is remo ved from suspect
page list because it was unallocated at end of recovery due to page/extent deallocation.
This page is clean and no action is required.
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action
is required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
12762 10 Recovery (Suspect Granularity): Recovery of database `%.*s' fo und %d suspect pages
belonging to %d suspect objects.
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action
is required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
12763 10 Recovery (Suspect Granularity): Database `%.*s' is clean.
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action
is required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
12767 10 Suspect data encountered: Database: `%.*s', Object: `%ld'
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action
is required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
12768 10 Suspect Granularity: (for Testing only) Simulated error to create suspect pages. Objid:
'%ld', Indid: '%ld', Errtype: '%d', Logtype: '%d', Pagety pe: '%d', PageNo: '%ld',
Simulation Type: '%.*s'.
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action is
required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
12769 10 Recovery (Suspect Granularity): The database '%.*s' will come online in read only mode
due to suspect pages/objects. Use sp_dboption to turn off read only mode.
Explanation: Check and resolve any problems with suspect pages and objects before
making the database available for use. For details, refer to the discussion of Reco very
Fault Isolation in the chapter Encyclopedia of Tasks.
12770 10 Suspect index encountered: database '%.*s', object '%.*s', index '%ld'.
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action
is required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
Number Severity Text and Explanation