CHAPTER 6 Adaptive Server Error Messages
Server Error Messages 10800 - 1089910793 16 There is no class in a jar. Make sure that jar contains at least one class. Install failed.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
10794 16 Cannot pass NULL as the value for parameter number %d to the method ’%s’ in class
’%s’. The parameter is of a Java primitive datatype, and is non-nullable.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
10795 16 The file ’%.*s’ contained in the jar does not represent a valid Java class file.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
10796 10 Warning! Expecting file ’%s’ to contain Java class ’%s’. Instead, class ’%s’ was found.
Installing the class under the correct name ’%s’.
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action is
required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
10797 16 Cannot execute the prepared statement because the ’%s’ parameter has not been set.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
10798 16 Cannot get the column value because the result set has not been opened yet . Use the
’next()’ function to open the result set before getting the column value.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
10799 16 Cannot get the column value because there are no more row in the result set.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
Number Severity Text and Explanation
Number Severity Text and Explanation
10801 16 Invalid type configured for cache %s. Cache type can be one of default OR mixed OR
log along with HK ignore but NOT just HK ignore alone.
Explanation: There may be possible corruption in a database or a database object. Take
any corrective action indicated by the message. Consult the Adaptive Server System
Administration Guide and the Troubleshooting Guide.