Server Error Messages 10900 - 10999

Server Error Messages 10900 - 10999
10846 16 Overflow error: The ’total logical memory’ ’%d’ (2k pages) required for the
configuration exceeds the maximum size of memory available on a ’%d’ bit platform:
’%lu’ bytes. Please reduce the configuration values that are consuming large amou nts of
Explanation: Take corrective action indicated by message. Check the System
Administration Guide for discussion of how Adaptive Server uses memory.
10847 16 The Adaptive Server Enterprise Small Business Edition does not allow you to set this
configuration parameter to a value higher than %d.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions.
Number Severity Text and Explanation
Number Severity Text and Explanation
10901 17 This query requires %d auxiliary scan descriptors, but currently there are only %d
auxiliary scan descriptors available. Either raise the value of the `number of auxiliary scan
descriptors' configuration parameter or try your query later .
Explanation: Command failed due to resource limitation. Retry when the resource is
available, or contact your System Administrator to address the resource proble m.
10902 17 This query requires %d auxiliary scan descriptors, but the Server is configured with only
%d auxiliary scan descriptors. Raise the value of the `number of auxiliary scan
descriptors' configuration parameter before trying this query.
Explanation: Command failed due to resource limitation. Contact your System
Administrator to address the resource problem.