CHAPTER 6 Adaptive Server Error Messages
9215 16 %S_REPAGNT: The Secondary Truncation Point is not valid. Please make sure that the
Secondary Truncation Point is valid, and then restart the Rep Agent Thread for this data
Explanation: Take recommended action.
9216 10 %S_REPAGNT: The Rep Agent Thread will retry the connection to the Replication Server
every %d second(s). (RepSvr = %.*s).
Explanation: Informational message.
9217 10 %S_REPAGNT: Trace log file set to `%s'.
Explanation: Informational message.
9218 16 Database %S_DBID has not been enabled yet for an integrated Rep Ag ent Thread. Run
sp_enable_rep_agent() to enable the database.
9219 20 %S_REPAGNT: Internal coding error.
Explanation: Internal error, affects current process. Contact your SA.
9220 16 %S_REPAGNT: The Rep Agent Thread context for database %S_DBID has already been
reserved by another session.
9221 16 Parameter count/type mismatch. Please check the number and types of the parameters
passed to the builtin function, '%.*s'.
9222 16 You must be SA, DBO, or have REPLI CATION role to execute the builtin function, '% .*s'.
Please check your current roles.
9223 16 Unknown operation, '%.*s', specified to builtin function rep_agent_admin(). Please chec k
parameter spelling and placement.
9224 16 Unknown category, '%.*s', specified to builtin function rep_agent_config(). Please check
parameter spelling and placement.
9225 16 Unknown property, '%.*s', specified to builtin function rep_agent _config(). Please check
parameter spelling and placement.
9226 16 Database %S_DBID has already been enabled to use a Rep Agent thread.
9227 17 %S_REPAGNT. Could not allocate memory to spawn Rep Agent thread. (size=%d)
9228 17 %S_REPAGNT. Could not spawn Rep Agent Thread.
Explanation: There may be a memory-related or other res ource problem.
Number Severity Text and Explanation