Server Error Messages 5700 - 5799
Server Error Messages 5700 - 57995631 16 Adaptive Server Internal Error. New transactional connection to server
’%S_SRVID’ is being passed while there is an existing transactional connection
to the same server in the same transaction. Aborting the distributed transaction.
Transaction key ’%.*s.
Explanation: Check error log and report the error to the System Administrator.
5632 16 This operation is invalid when the run value of configur ation parameter ’enable xact
coordination’ is on. Please retry after disabling this configuration parameter.
Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action.
Number Severity Text and Explanation
Number Severity Text and Explanation
5701 10 Changed database context to `%.*s'.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
5702 10 The SQL Server is terminating this process.
Explanation: This informational message appears in conjunction with other errors such
as 813, 8211, or stack traces. Error 5702 indicates that Adaptive Server is terminating the
client process since the accompanying error was fatal. Check for and resolve the errors
raised in conjunction with the 5702 error. Check the Adaptive Server error log if the other
errors were not displayed on your screen.
5703 10 Changed language setting to `%.*s'.
Explanation: Adaptive Server sends this informational message to a DB-Library or CT-
Library client when the client logs in (the message displays the default la n guage), and
when the client changes the current language. If you wish to suppress this message, add the
following line to your client's Adaptive Server message handler: if (msgno==570 3) return
(0); This message cannot be suppressed on the Server side; it mu st be handled on the client
5704 10 Changed client character set setting to `%.*s'.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.