CHAPTER 6 Adaptive Server Error Messages
4218 21 Failure during DUMP of database '%.*s': serial log page allocation rules brok en .
Current page: %ld; next page: %ld; piece end: %ld; end-of-scan: %ld.
Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting all processes in
the current database. Report the error to your System Administrator. Adaptive Server
must be restarted and dbcc diagnostics run.
4219 21 DUMP TRANsaction encountered an unexpected end to the log page chain. Last page in
log as scanned: %ld.
Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting all processes in
the current database. Report the error to your System Administrator. Adaptive Server
must be restarted and dbcc diagnostics run.
4220 14 You must be the DBO of database %.*s or have Operator (OPER) role to run DUMP
Explanation: You do not have the permission to execute this command. Have the object
owner or a user with the needed role run this command.
4221 16 DUMP TRANsaction to a dump device is not allowed where a truncate-only transaction
dump has been performed after the last DUMP DATABASE. Use DUMP DATABASE
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for Error 4221.
4222 16 DUMP TRANSACTION for database `%S_DBID' failed: log page (%ld) is on a dat a-
only segment. This is probably due to an incomplete move of the log to a device separate
from the data. Complete the log migration or contact the System Administrator.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for Error 4222.
4223 18 Deadlock occurred in SQL Process %d.
Explanation: Command failed due to internal Adaptive Server problem. Perform any
diagnostic action indicated by message. Report the error to your System Administrator.
4224 16 An interruption occurred in process %d due to USER ATTENTION or connection
Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Contact your
System Administrator.
4225 16 This database has not been dumped since it was create d or up grad ed. You must perform
a dump database before you can dump its transaction log.
Explanation: If this is a new database or one that was recently upgraded, it would be
invalid to attempt to dump the transaction log since there is no database dump. This error
is raised if you try to do dump transaction and no database dump exists. First dump the
database, then dump the transaction log.
4226 16 Logged DUMP TRANSACTION cannot run in da ta bas e %.*s, because that databases's
log version (%d) disagrees with the SQL Server's log version (%d); use DUMP
Explanation: A database maintenance operation failed. Take any corrective action
indicated by the message. Check the Adaptive Server error log.
Number Severity Text and Explanation