Server Error Messages 4300 - 4399
Server Error Messages 4300 - 43994227 17 No space left in database master; creating user objects in master database not
recommended. Else, an old transaction may be active; see Syslogshold table.
Explanation: Command failed due to resource limitation. Modify the command to fit
available resources, retry when the resource is available, or contact your System
Administrator to address the resource problem.
4228 17 No space left in database `%S_DBID'; Use ALTER DATABASE to increase size of
database. Else, an old transaction may be active; see Syslogshold table.
Explanation: Command failed due to resource limitation. Modify the command to fit
available resources, retry when the resource is available, or contact your System
Administrator to address the resource problem.
4233 19 %s failed in database %.*s: Unable to find quiescent point in the log. Log backward scan
start marker (%d, %d) and end marker (%d, %d).
Explanation: Report the resource error to your System Administrator.
4234 21 %s failed on database %.*s: Unable to get the secondary truncation page %ld.
Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting all processes
using the current database. Report the error to your System Administrator.
4235 20 %s failed in database %.*s: Bad quiescent point was found.
Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current
process. Report the error to your System Administrator.
4236 10 %s for database '%.*s' could not truncate the log. Either extend the log using ALTER
DATABASE ... LOG ON command or eliminate the oldest active transaction in database
'%. *s' shown in syslogshold table.
Explanation: Database maintenance operation failed. Take specified action.
4237 16 Cannot dump %s database’s log as distributed transaction resolution is not complete yet.
Please retry later.
Explanation: A database maintenance operation failed. Take any corrective action
indicated by the message. Check the Adaptive Server error log.
Number Severity Text and Explanation
Number Severity Text and Explanation
4301 16 Database in use. A user with System Administrator (SA) role must have exclusive use
of DB to load transaction.
Explanation: A database maintenance operation failed. Take any corrective action
indicated by the message. Check the Adaptive Server error log.