CHAPTER 6 Adaptive Server Error Messages
317 16 A subquery in this query is correlated to an inner table of an outerjoin. This is not allowed
in TSQL semantics.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
318 18 sysstatistics catalog was read and an inconsistency was found, please run update statistics
and contact Sybase Technical Support
Explanation: There was an internal Adaptive Server problem. Perform the diagnostic
action indicated in the message. (Version 11.9.2 and higher.)
319 18 Statistics cannot be read for table '%.*s', column '%.*s' due to previous errors
Explanation: There was an internal Adaptive Server problem. (Version 11.9.2 and
320 10 Index id %d on table id %d cannot be used in the optimization of a qu ery as it is
SUSPECT. Please drop and re- create the index on the specified table.
Explanation: Use sp_helpindex to obtain index information, then drop and recreate the
index. (Version 11.9.2 and higher.)
321 18 Internal statistics calculation inconsistency. Please contact Sybase technical support
Explanation: (Version 11.9.2 and higher.)
322 18 Internal error: systabstats statistics could not be read, please contact Sybase Technical
Explanation: (Version 11.9.2 and higher.)
323 10 WARNING: Edited statistics are overwritten. Table: '%.*s' (objectid %ld), column:
Explanation: (Version 11.9.2 and higher.)
324 10 Invalid simulated value (%ld) ignored for %S_MSG '%.*s'. Actual value (%ld) used
Explanation: (Version 11.9.2 and higher.)
325 18 Adaptive Server finds no legal query plan for this statement. If an Abstract Plan is forcing
the query plan, check its correspondence to the query. If not, please contact Sybase
Technical Support.
Explanation: Command failed due to internal Adaptive Server problem. Perform any
diagnostic action indicated by the message. Report the error to your System
326 16 ALTER TABLE ’%.*s’ failed. The table is %d-way partitioned, and a %d-way parallel
plan was generated due to lack of parallel resources. Increase the value of ’max parallel
degree’ and ’number of worker processes’ to at least %d, and try again.
Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Modify your
command to meet the Adaptive Server requirement for the objects or variables shown in
the error message.
Number Severity Text and Explanation