CHAPTER 6 Adaptive Server Error Messages
1305 16 This Propagation Context Data built-in function requires one argum ent .
Explanation: Command failed. Check the arguments of the SQL statement calling the
system function.
1306 16 The second argument for this Propagation Context Data built-in command specifies the
number of keys supplied with the call. The value `%d' supplied is more than the keys
given. At most `%d' arguments may be keys for this call.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
1307 18 Internal Error in Propagation Context routines: An invalid or g a rba g ed c omm a nd 0x % x
was seen by pcxt__cmdinit().
Explanation: Command failed due to internal Adaptive Server problem. Perform any
diagnostic action indicated by message. Report the error to your System Administrator.
1308 18 Internal Error in Propagation Context routines:
pcxt__nodenew(PCXT_NODE_ENTRY) copied %d arguments, expected %d
Explanation: Command failed due to internal Adaptive Server problem. Perform any
diagnostic action indicated by message. Report the error to your System Administrator.
1309 18 Internal Error in Propagation Context routines: An invalid or garba ged no de ty pe 0 x%x
tried to free memory at 0x%x in pcxt__nodefree(). The request was ignored.
Explanation: Command failed due to internal Adaptive Server problem. Perform any
diagnostic action indicated by message. Report the error to your System Administrator.
1310 18 Internal Error in Propagation Context routines: The memory tracking fields in the PCD
resource structure are inconsistent: inuse %d, free %d. Some PCD memory may not be
reclaimed until the login session ends.
Explanation: Command failed due to internal Adaptive Server problem. Perform any
diagnostic action indicated by message. Report the error to your System Administrator.
1311 18 Internal Error in Propagation Context routines: An invalid or garba ged no de ty pe 0 x%x
was seen by pcxt__nodedup().
Explanation: Command failed due to internal Adaptive Server problem. Perform any
diagnostic action indicated by message. Report the error to your System Administrator.
1312 18 Internal Error in Propagation Context routines: An invalid or garba ged no de ty pe 0 x%x
was seen by pcxt__nodenew().
Explanation: Command failed due to internal Adaptive Server problem. Perform any
diagnostic action indicated by message. Report the error to your System Administrator.
1313 18 Internal Error in Propagation Context routines: An invalid or garbaged event type 0 x%x
was seen by pcxt_event().
Explanation: Command failed due to internal Adaptive Server problem. Perform any
diagnostic action indicated by message. Report the error to your System Administrator.
Number Severity Text and Explanation