CHAPTER 6 Adaptive Server Error Messages
146 15 Cannot perform an aggregate function on a column from a table not declared in the same
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and sema ntics. Re write the co mmand to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
147 15 An aggregate function may not appear in a WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery
that is in a HAVING clause, and the column being aggregated is in a table named in a
FROM clause outside of the subquery.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and sema ntics. Re write the co mmand to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
148 15 Incorrect time syntax in time string `%.*s' used with WAITFOR.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and sema ntics. Re write the co mmand to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
149 15 Time value `%.*s' used with WAITFOR is not a legal value. Check date/time syntax.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and sema ntics. Re write the co mmand to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
150 15 Both terms of an outer join must contain columns.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and sema ntics. Re write the co mmand to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
151 15 `%.*s' is an invalid money value.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and sema ntics. Re write the co mmand to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
152 15 Subqueries that use DISTINCT with a GROUP BY clause ar e not currently supported.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Adaptive Server
cannot perform the requested action. (This error is not raised in Release 11.0 and higher.)
153 16 Variables/Parameters are not allowed in the ORDER BY clause.
Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Rewrite the
command to conform to the requirement specified in the error message.
154 15 %S_MSG is not allowed in %S_MSG.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Adaptive Server
cannot perform the requested action.
155 15 `%.*s' is not a recognized %s option.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Adaptive Server
cannot perform the requested action.
156 15 Incorrect syntax near the keyword `%.*s'.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and sema ntics. Re write the co mmand to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
158 15 Too many ORDER BY expressions. The maximum is %d.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and sema ntics. Re write the co mmand to
satisfy the condition indicated in the message.
Number Severity Text and Explanation