Component Integration Services Error Messages
11219 17 Cannot open a connection to site `%.*s' because there
are no free remote descriptors (RDES). Increase the
configuration parameter for user connections and
reboot the server.
Explanation: Command failed due to resource
limitation. Modify the command to fit available
resources, retry when the resource is available, or
contact your System Administrator to address the
resource problem.
11220 16 Parameter cannot be NULL.
Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the
requested action. Rewrite the command with an entry
for the parameter.
11221 16 No external login for suserid %d, server name `%.*s'.
Explanation: The remote server cannot be accessed
with your login. Have the Database Owner or System
Administrator set up your external login using
11222 12 Pa rameter % d must be da tatype CH AR or VARCHAR .
Explanation: Command failed. Specify an object of
the correct type.
11223 17 Insufficient memory is available to allocate structures
needed to access a remote site.
Explanation: Command failed due to resource
limitation. Modify the command to fit available
resources, retry when the resource is available, or
contact your System Administrator to address the
resource problem.
11224 16 Cannot open a connection to site `%.*s' because it does
not have PASSTHRU or RPC capabilities.
Explanation: Use sp_helpobjectdef to verify the
object is mapped to a remote server. If the server is
remote, have the System Administrator reconfigure it
to allow passthrough connections.
11225 16 Server class has not been defined for `%.*s'.
Explanation: No server class has been defined for the
remote server. Use sp_helpserver to check the server
definition, and have your System Administrator correct
the entry.
Number Severity Text and Explanation