Server Error Messages 10300 - 10399
10317 14 The specified password is too short. Passwords must be at least %d character(s) long.
Explanation: You do not have the permission to execute this command. Have the object
owner or a user with the needed role run this command.
10318 14 Invalid user specified, password left unchanged.
Explanation: You do not have the permission to execute this command. Have the object
owner or a user with the needed role run this command.
10319 14 SET ROLE fails. The caller is not granted with the specified role. Please contact a user
with System Security Officer (SSO) role for help.
Explanation: You do not have the permission to execute this command. Have the object
owner or a user with the needed role run this command.
10320 14 SET ROLE fails. The caller cannot assume the new user identity (uid) in the current
database. Please contact a user with System Security Officer (SSO) role for help.
Explanation: You do not have the permission to execute this command. Have the object
owner or a user with the needed role run this command.
10321 14 Ad-hoc updates to system catalogs not enabled. A user with System Security Officer
(SSO) role must reconfigure system to allow this.
Explanation: You do not have the permission to execute this command. Have the object
owner or a user with the needed role run this command.
10322 14 In a CREATE SCHEMA statement, the authorization id must match the current user name.
The supplied authorization id, `%.*s', does not match the current user name, `%.*s'.
Explanation: You do not have the permission to execute this command. Have the object
owner or a user with the needed role run this command.
10323 14 You do not have the permission to use datatype id %d in database id %d.
Explanation: You do not have the permission to execute this command. Have the object
owner or a user with the needed role run this command.
10324 14 User `%.*s' not found in database `%S_DBID'.; check sysusers.
Explanation: Command failed. Check your Adaptive Server environment for the object
not found and re-enter the command with the correct name.
10325 14 Database named %.*s not found; check sysdatabases.
Explanation: Command failed. Check your Adaptive Server environment for the object
not found and re-enter the command with the correct name.
10326 14 Suspect object %S_OBJID, database %S_DBID found. Cannot execut e qu ery.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Adaptive Server cannot
perform the requested action. Take any corrective action indicated by the message.
10327 14 Procedure %S_OBJID, database %S_DBID with labels found UNCERTIFIED. Cannot
execute query.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Adaptive Server cannot
perform the requested action. Take any corrective action indicated by the message.
Number Severity Text and Explanation