CHAPTER 4 Backup Server Error Messages
7.12.2 2 Option `%1!' requires a value, but none was specified.
Explanation: You must specify a value for these
options: density, blocksize, capacity, dumpvolume,
retaindays, or file.
7.13.2 2 Option `%1!': `%2!' is not unique -- supply more
Explanation: User abbreviated a keyword following
a value, and the abbreviation is ambiguous.
7.14.2 2 Option error: when you specify %1!, you must also
specify %2!.
Explanation: Invalid combination of options.
7.15.2 2 Option `%1!' is not valid for the present command.
Please check the documentation for correct usage.
Explanation: load option used during a dump
command, or vice versa.
7.16.0 0 and
Explanation: Internal informational message,
usually a component of another message. No user
action necessary.
7.17.0 0 or
Explanation: Internal informational message,
usually a component of another message. No user
action necessary.
8.1.2 2 Device %1!: Failure to open for read/write. Operating
system message: `%2!'.
Explanation: An unexpected condition, possibly
fatal to the session, has occurred. Error may have
occurred with any or all of usage, environment, or
internal logic.
8.2.2 2 Device %1!: Failure to rewind tape device.
Explanation: An unexpected condition, possibly
fatal to the session, has occurred. Error may have
occurred with any or all of usage, environment, or
internal logic.
8.3.2 2 Device %1!: Failure to write minimum b lock size of
%2! bytes.
Explanation: An unexpected condition, possibly
fatal to the session, has occurred. Error may have
occurred with any or all of usage, environment, or
internal logic.
Number Severity Text and Explanation