CHAPTER 5 Component Integration Services
Error MessagesThis chapter gives the error number, message text, and a brief explanation
for Component Integration Services error messages.
Component Integration Services Error Messages
Number Severity Text and Explanation
11201 16 A remote table definition must be defined before the
`existing' option is used (object `%.*s').
Explanation: Use sp_helpobjectdef to compare the
table name on the remote server with the remote table
name mapped to the table in your command. If the
remote table does not exist, first create the table on the
remote server or use create table.
11202 16 Unable to create table `%.*s' because it has no remote
storage location defined. Creation of local user tables
is allowed only in the master and tempdb databases.
Explanation: Define the remote storage location
using sp_addobjectdef, then rerun this command.
11203 16 The command ā%sā is not legal for objects of this type.
External definition: %.*s
Explanation: Adaptive Server cannot perform the
requested action. Rewrite your command using a valid
object, or contact the Object Owner if the remote
object should not be defined as type rpc.
11204 15 There is an error in the syntax of the object definition
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and
semantics of your object definition and rewrite the