Server Error Messages 9100 - 9199
9139 17 Failed to free allocated but unused memory in order to satisfy memory allocation request.
Memory allocation request fails.
Explanation: Command failed due to resource limitation. Modify the command to fit
available resources, retry when the resource is available, or contact your System
Administrator to address the resource problem.
9140 17 Memory allocator used for Replication Server support failed to fulfill memory allocation
Explanation: Command failed due to resource limitation. Modify the command to fit
available resources, retry when the resource is available, or contact your System
Administrator to address the resource problem.
9141 16 The stored proc. `%.*s' associated with the %s log record in datab ase `%.*s', XACT ID
%S_RID, RID %S_RID, was dropped after the log record was written. The %s log record
is not replicated.
Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the requested action. Contact your
System Administrator.
9142 16 Usage: DBCC REPLICATE_TXTCOL (objid, colid, { always_replicate |
replicate_if_changed | do_not_replicate } )
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
9143 16 `%.*s' is not a valid replication status. The DBCC REPLICATE_TXTCOL command is
not executed.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
9144 16 The requested column cannot be located. Check the objid and colid specified. The DBCC
REPLICATE_TXTCOL command is not executed.
Explanation: Check the column ID and object ID specified in the command.
9145 16 The datatype of the specified column must be TEXT, IMAGE, or offrow object. The
DBCC REPLICATE_TXTCOL command is not executed.
Explanation: Specified column is not TEXT or IMAGE. User should recheck the
column id specified.
9146 20 The excution of DBCC REPLICATE_TXTCOL failed due to an internal error. Please
contact your System Administrator (SA) for help.
Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current
process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to your System Administrator so
dbcc diagnostics can be run.
9147 16 Replication Not Enabled: Replication on table %.*s in database %.*s, has not been
enabled yet. Run sp_setreplicate or sp_setrepcol before calling DBCC
REPLICATE_TXTCOL, the DBCC REPLICATE_TXTCOL command is not executed.
(objid %ld)
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
Number Severity Text and Explanation