and user connections 327
default character set
changing manually 58
Deleting duplicate rows 324
Delimited identifiers 147
Descriptor Manager errors 613
Error 8201 613
Error 8203 613
Error 8204 615
Error 8207 616
Error 8210 617
Error 8211 618
Error 8219 619
finding virtual device number 108
lost, with pieces of tempdb 14
moving using disk mirroring 100
offline 241, 242, 249, 447
removed 241, 249
renamed 241, 249
dinit kernel error message 243
Disaster recovery 1
Disk errors 515, 519
Error 5115 519
Error 5123 521
Error 5142 523
disk init
failure 519
failure and Error 5123 521
size 519, 522
vdevno 520
Disk Manager errors
Error 9004 627
Disk mirroring
I/O error on primary device 679
I/O error on secondary device 679
disk refit 36
disk reinit 36
disk remirror 680
Distributed database network errors 560
Error 7201 560
Error 7205 561
Error 7207 562
Error 7211 563
Error 7212 565
Error 7214 566
Error 7215 567
Error 7218 568
Error 7220 569
Error 7221 571
Error 7223 574
Error 7227 575
Error 7234 576
Error 7235 577
Distribution page 380
dopen error 657
dpages 831
drop database
failure procedure 84
drop errors 473
Error 3701 473
Error 3702 474
Error 3703 475
Error 3704 476
Error 3731 477
drop index
and 3703 error 475
drop table
and 3731 error 477
drop trigger
and 3703 error 475
Dstart I/O request repeatedly delayed error 659
dump and load errors 438, 493
Error 3019 438
Error 3020 439
Error 3105 440
Error 3120 441
Error 3201 442
Error 3203 443
Error 3211 444
Error 3212 445
Error 3216 446
Error 3225 446
Error 3230 447
Error 3233 448
Error 3240 449
Error 4204 493
Error 4205 497
Error 4207 497
Error 4216 498
Error 4221 500
Error 4222 501