CHAPTER 5 Component Integration Services Error Messages
11267 16 Unable to create table '%.*s' on remote server; this
server not configured for heterogeneous data access.
Explanation: Command failed. Contact your System
Administrator to install the Extend ed Enterprise
Option of Adaptive Server Enterprise prior to
accessing remote servers that are not server class
11268 16 Unable to insert into a text/image column because the
table does not contain a unique index.
Explanation: Command failed. The table must have
a unique index to execute a select...into or
insert...select command, since the table has text or
image columns and is owned by a server of class
direct_connect or sds.
11269 16 The optimizer could not find a unique index which it
could use to retrieve the resulting timestamp value
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or
illegal request. Check syntax, semantics, and
permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by
11270 16 Column '%.*s' does not allow NULL. Any column
defined as a parameter column for RPC tables must
allow NULL. A parameter column is a column whose
name begins with an underscore.
Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the
requested action. Rewrite the command and specify
NULL in the parameter column definition.
11271 16 Column '%.*s' must precede all parameter columns. A
parameter column is a column whose name begins
with an underscore.
Explanation: Adaptive Server could not perform the
requested action. Rewrite the command and put result
column definitions before parameter column
definitions-all column names that begin with an
underscore must appear at the end of the list.
11272 16 Action requested is not valid for remote tables (%.*s).
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid request.
You cannot enter this command using proxy tables (the
command can only be used with local tables).
Number Severity Text and Explanation