Optimizer problems
getting help with 116, 125
preparing for analysis of 116, 125
or expression limit 178
starting Adaptive Server with trace flags in 83
os_attach_region error 670
os_create_region errors 671
chain 359, 373, 386
distribution 380
incorrect free byte offset 413
linkage error 359
not found 381
offset table inconsistencies 421
See Also Allocation 383
Page Manager errors 281
Error 1105 281
Error 1108 289
Error 1120 290
Error 1124 291
Error 1127 292
Error 1129 294
Error 1131 296
Error 1133 297
Error 1141 298
Error 1142 300
Error 1143 304
Parser Errors 142
Error 102 142
Error 107 143
Error 195 145
Parser errors 141, 579
Error 7380 579
Partitioned table
and 1928 error 349
and 4716 error 505
Partitioning a table
and 4953 error 509
incorrect, and 4002 error 488
and 229 error 155
Prefetch size
and 7380 error 579
and 855 error 254
Preparing for database recovery 1
and 3429 error 460
Procedure cache
and 701 error 225
shortage 225
sizing 225
procedure cache percent configuration parameter
See and 701 error
See and 709 error
Procedure Manager errors 431
Error 2805 431
Error 2806 432
Error 2811 433
Error 2812 433
Error 2824 436
Error 2835 437
killed, cleanup and Error 6103 546
Process kill errors 546
Error 6103 546
Error 6107 547
Process Status Structure errors 625
Error 8601 625
memory usage error 666
QQuery plan 225, 229
Query Processor Errors
Error 301 172
Error 546 187
Query Processor errors 171
Error 311 172
Error 313 174
Error 314 176
Error 403 178
Error 404 178
Error 414 179
Error 428 180
Error 511 181