Backup Server Error Messages 4.76.3 - 4.147.2
4.120.3 3 Unable to locate state information for this stripe.
Explanation: An unexpected condition, possibly
fatal to the session, has occurred. Error may have
occurred with any or all of usage, environment, or
internal logic.
4.121.3 3 Local semaphore handle is NULL for asynchronous
disk i/o.
Explanation: An unexpected condition, possibly
fatal to the session, has occurred. Error may have
occurred with any or all of usage, environment, or
internal logic.
4.122.2 2 Unable to allocate semaphore for disk operations on
device %1!.
Explanation: An unexpected condition, possibly
fatal to the session, has occurred. Error may have
occurred with any or all of usage, environment, or
internal logic.
4.123.2 2 Operating system error, server %1! device %2!
errcode %3!.
Explanation: An unexpected condition, possibly
fatal to the session, has occurred. Error may have
occurred with any or all of usage, environment, or
internal logic.
4.124.2 2 Archive API error for device='%1!': Vendor
application name=%2!, Library version=%3!, API
routine=%4!, Message=%5!
Explanation: An unexpected condition, possibly
fatal to the session, has occurred. Error may have
occurred with any or all of usage, environment, or
internal logic.
4.125.1 1 Archive API information for device='%1!': Vendor
application name=%2!, Library version=%3!,
Explanation: Information, no user action necessary.
4.126.3 3 Unable to get current date and time. Internal error.
Explanation: An unexpected condition, possibly
fatal to the session, has occurred. Error may have
occurred with any or all of usage, environment, or
internal logic.
Number Severity Text and Explanation