CHAPTER 6 Adaptive Server Error Messages
5826 10 You have just reconfigured SQL Server's default sort order. System table indexes will be
rebuilt when you reboot the SQL server.
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action
is required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
5827 10 In changing the default sort order, you have also reconfigured SQL Server's default
character set.
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action
is required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
5828 16 Legal values for number of user connections are 1 through %d.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantic s. Check yo ur configu ration
file and any configuration parameters supplied.
5829 16 Do not recommend more than %d engines on-line. Use override option to force thi s
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantic s. Check yo ur configu ration
file and any configuration parameters supplied.
5830 16 Must configure with at least %d engine(s) on-line.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantic s. Check yo ur configu ration
file and any configuration parameters supplied.
5831 16 Cannot reconfigure the server's character set with out of bounds character set ID %d.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantic s. Check yo ur configu ration
file and any configuration parameters supplied.
5832 10 The stack size must be a multiple of the page size. It has been rounded from %d to %d.
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action
is required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
5833 16 Cannot reconfigure the server with an out-of-bound, illegal value for Sy stemwide
Password Expiration Interval.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantic s. Check yo ur configu ration
file and any configuration parameters supplied.
5835 16 Cannot reconfigure the server with an out-of-range audit que ue size. The valid range is
%d to %d inclusive.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantic s. Check yo ur configu ration
file and any configuration parameters supplied.
5836 10 The additional network memory size must be a multiple of 2048 bytes. It has been
rounded down from %d to %d.
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action
is required.
5837 10 The default network packet size must be a multiple of 512. It has been rounded dow n
from %d to %d.
Explanation: This is an informational message. Unless otherwise specified, no action
is required. Contact your System Administrator about any warning issued in the message.
Number Severity Text and Explanation