Server Error Messages 3400 - 3499
3440 10 System stored procedures are not currently accessible due to a recovery error. Please
consult the errorlog. You may need to drop and re-create the sybsystempr ocs database and
re-run the installmaster SQL script if the error is unrecoverable.
Explanation: There may be a potential problem with a database or database object.
Contact your System Administrator.
3443 16 Invalid log version found for database `%S_DBID': `%d'. A log ver sion greater than `%d'
is from an later, incompatible version of SQL Server. Database cannot be opened.
Explanation: A database maintenance operation failed. Take any corrective action
indicated by the message. Check the Adaptive Server error log.
3444 10 Database `%.*s' is now online.
Explanation: This is an informational message. It appears when a database is brought
online by an online database command, or when database recovery is complete. online
database marks the database available for public use after a normal load sequence and, if
needed, upgrades a pre-11.0 database and transaction log dumps to the current versi on of
Adaptive Server.
3445 10 SQL Server could not bring database `%.*s' online.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
3446 16 You do not have privilege to bring database `%.*s' online.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
3447 10 Database `%.*s' appears to be in the process of being loaded; SQL Server will not bring it
online automatically. Use the ONLINE DATABASE command to bring this database
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
3448 10 Database `%.*s' appears to be at an older revision than the present installation; SQL Server
will assess it, and upgrade it as required.
Explanation: This is an informational message. It is raised when you upgrade a database
to the current ASE version (via sybinit or via online database) and is displayed at the start
of the upgrade process.
3449 10 Database ā%.*sā: beginning upgrade step [ID %5d]: %S_MSG %s
Explanation: This informational message tells you that Adaptive Server is beginning a n
upgrade step. The text of the message includes the database name, which upgrade step is
being performed, the name of the object being upgraded, the task ID of th e Server internal
upgrade function, and the index name, if applicable. No action is required.
3450 20 Database `%.*s': upgrade item %d contains a bad action identifier, %d. Please report this
internal error to Sybase technical support.
Explanation: This error occurs during upgrade (via sybinit or online database). An
upgrade item is a step required by the upgrade, and an action identifier is a number
denoting actions to be performed for the upgrade item. Report this error to Sybase
Technical Support, providing server version and SWR level, f ull text of the message, and
server error log.
Number Severity Text and Explanation