Backup Server Error Messages 2.1.2 - 3.55.2
Backup Server Error Messages 2.1.2 - 2 Unable to load the Sytos DLL that SYTAPE is set to.
Explanation: An unexpected condition, possibly
fatal to the session, has occurred. Error may have
occurred with any or all of usage, environment, or
internal logic. The session must exit.
1.63.2 2 Unable to configure %1! connections and %2! service
threads which requires %3! messages. The maximum
number of messages is %4!.
Explanation: The value of the -C and -P option are
such that the number of message queues exceed the
allowed maximum. Restart the Backup Server with
reduced values for these parameters.
Number Severity Text and Explanation
Number Severity Text and Explanation
2.1.2 2 Open Server initialization failed. Unable to start %1!.
Explanation: The user should check the installation.
This error can also arise from memory and swap space
2.2.4 4 Open Server Server Fatal Error: %1!.%2!.%3!: %4!
Explanation: This indicates a fault within the Open
Server layer that forces program exit. The error code
placeholder should be matched to the Open Server
error codes for diagnosis. Check installation.
2.3.2 2 Open Server Session Fatal Error: %1!.%2!.%3!: %4!
Explanation: Interpret as for 2.2.4, except only the
session exits, not the whole Server.
2.4.2 2 Open Server Error: %1!.%2!.%3!: %4!
Explanation: Interpret as for 2.2.4, except Server and
session processing continue. Example: missing
localization file.