CHAPTER 6 Adaptive Server Error Messages
1261 20 Attempt to promote from page to table locking on objid %ld encountere d an internal
Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current
process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to your System Administrator so
dbcc diagnostics can be run.
1262 20 No matching xdes found. Lock was requested for objid %ld, dbid %d, typ e %d, by
process %d.
Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current
process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to your System Administrator so
dbcc diagnostics can be run.
1263 26 A process was found to be waiting for the same object twice.
Explanation: An internal locking/synchronization rule was broken. Report the error to
your System Administrator. Shut down and restart Adaptive Server.
1265 20 A lock manager routine expected a lock record as an argument but was passed something
else. lr=0x%x, lrmagic=% c.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
1266 20 Upgrade of lock on object id or page number %ld left the lock ungrante d .
Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current
process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. If the problem persists, report it to your System
1267 26 A lock record at the head of a semaphore queue is not marked as granted.
Explanation: An internal locking/synchronization rule was broken. Report the error to
your System Administrator. Shut down and restart Adaptive Server.
1268 26 A lock record is marked as granted, but isn't at the head of the semaphore queue.
Explanation: An internal locking/synchronization rule was broken. Report the error to
your System Administrator. Shut down and restart Adaptive Server.
1269 10 Temporary buffer overflow occurred while scanning the lock table. Rows will be missing
in syslocks for one or more objects.
Explanation: This is an informational message. A non-configurable limit was exceeded
but processing continues. No action is required.
1270 26 A task attempted to release a semaphore that it had not previously obtained.
Explanation: An internal locking/synchronization rule was broken. Report the error to
your System Administrator. Shut down and restart Adaptive Server.
1271 26 A task attempted to acquire a semaphore with a preallocated semaphore cursor that did
not belong to it.
Explanation: An internal locking/synchronization rule was broken. Report the error to
your System Administrator. Shut down and restart Adaptive Server.
Number Severity Text and Explanation