Server Error Messages 14200 - 14299
Server Error Messages 14200 - 1429914122 21 Update failed. SQL Server could not find field ’%d’ within partition descript or/buffer.
Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error during a partitioning
operation affecting the current process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to
your System Administrator so diagnostics can be run.
14123 21 Updating wrong ptnrow in dbid %d. Objid for actual r ow u pdated is %ld, objid for
intended row was %ld. Partition id for intended row was %d. Partition page is %ld, field
updated is %d. Partition row address is %0x, row number is %d.
Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error during a partitioning
operation affecting the current process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to
your System Administrator so DBCC diagnostics can be run.
14125 21 Internal error occurred while running the sysindexes exerciser.
Explanation: Adaptive Server encountered an internal error affecting the current
process. Reconnect to Adaptive Server. Report the error to your System Administrator so
DBCC diagnostics can be run.
Number Severity Text and Explanation
Number Severity Text and Explanation
14200 16 The specified java signature is invalid.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
14201 16 Return type of the java method for a SQLJ procedure must be void or int.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax and
14202 16 The Java ’main’ method cannot ret urn result sets.
Explanation: Command failed. Check application code.
14203 16 Invalid mapping between the SQLJ procedure signature and the signature of the Java
command line ’main’ method.
Explanation: Command failed. Check application code.
14204 16 The specified return type does not map to the java method return type.
Explanation: Command failed. Check application code and function definition.
14205 16 The Java ’main’ method cannot be used in CREATE FUNCTION.
Explanation: Command failed. Check function definition.