Firmware is a combination of software and hardware. More precisely, it is software (programs or data) that has been written onto hardware
Flash button
A button on your telephone. Pressing the Flash button has the same effect as press- ing the Link button or depressing and releasing the 'hang up' (switch) hook on a telephone. All of these actions will send a signal to TalkSwitch to put calls on or off hold.
TalkSwitch's firmware program (the programming code that operates TalkSwitch) is located on a 'Flash EPROM' chip. This means that the code operating TalkSwitch can be erased and reprogrammed (upgraded) without replacing the chip that contains the code.
Home phone
A home phone is any telephone using the same telephone line as one of TalkSwitch's Lines, but is not plugged directly into the back of TalkSwitch as an extension.
A small picture that represents a program, action or feature in the Configuration Software. When you click on an icon, that program, action or feature is activated.
Auto Call Back
Allows you to activate Call Back by dialing one of TalkSwitch's telephone numbers, letting the call ring at least once and then hanging up.
A dedicated voice service within a specified user environment. TalkSwitch offers intercom capabilities between its Local Extensions.
Something that connects two separate entities. A user interface is the part of a program that connects the computer with a human operator (user).
A global network connecting millions of computers. Unlike online service networks (.com, .ca, .net, etc.) which are centrally controlled, the Internet is decentralized by design. Each Internet computer, called a host, is independent.
Interrupt Request Line. Hardware lines found in PCs over which devices can send interrupt signals to the microprocessor. IRQs allow multiple devices attached to your PC to share the micro processors resources in an orderly fashion. When you add a new device to a PC, you sometimes need to set which IRQ number the device will use.
Integrated Services Digital Network. The same lines are used for many different types of services, such as telephone, data, electronic mail and facsimile. ISDN specifications let large quantities of data
Keypad Commands
Combinations of digits that are used to configure TalkSwitch from a touchtone telephone.
TalkSwitch User Manual