General Voicemail
General Voicemail is similar in features to both Local and Remote Extension Voicemail. If you want to use this mailbox for informational purposes only and prevent callers from recording messages, then check the 'Play announcement only' box.
Remote Phone Notification:
If you want to be notified at another location when new messages arrive, you can use Remote Phone Notification. Simply enter the phone number of the cell phone or location where you want to be notified.
Notification Settings:
Detailed instructions are provided for how you may want TalkSwitch to handle notification calls being considered successful or requiring another attempt.
Pager Notification:
Use Pager Notification if you want to be notified by pager when new messages arrive. Simply activate the feature then enter the pager phone number and the numeric message to be displayed on the pager. See following page for screen shot of the pager notification options.
TalkSwitch User Manual