Problem: When I try to access voicemail, I hear a busy tone.
•Check your 'Direct Line Access' settings on the Local Extensions page under 'System Information' of the Software Configuration. If a Local Extension has been given 'Direct Access' to your telephone lines, you must first dial ‘Flash’ before dialing the mailbox. The same applies for dialing other extensions to initiate intercom calls.
Problems that may occur with 2 or more TalkSwitch units connected to the same LAN.
Problem: I can’t reach an extension across the LAN
•Make sure the other unit is connected to the LAN and powered on.
•Pick up a Local Extension belonging to the other unit. If there is dialtone, then check your LAN connections. On the rear panel, the top LED of the 3 LEDs next to the LAN port should be on. If there is no dialtone, then make sure the unit is powered on.
Problem: The configuration does not show the 2nd TalkSwitch unit
•Check your LAN connections. Are you able to communicate with another extension on the other unit?
•Check the Unit ID of each unit. If the lights on one or more units are flashing, then there is a conflict with the Unit ID numbers assigned to each TalkSwitch unit. Connect a phone to each TalkSwitch unit and lift the hand- set. It will tell you immediately if a Unit ID number needs to assigned. Follow the instructions accordingly. You can dial #00# at anytime to check the Unit ID of the unit you are connected to.
Problem: After recording an Auto Attendant greeting, I can’t play it back.
•After recording an Auto Attendant on one of the TalkSwitch units, it will then copy the Auto Attendant to any other TalkSwitch units on the LAN. During this process, you cannot listen to that particular Auto Attendant. Try again in a few minutes.
Problem: Calls are not always reaching my voicemail.
•In extreme cases when the system is in high use, all channels across the LAN might be in use so calls cannot be transferred to extensions or voicemail. If this situation appears to be happening frequently, you may want to consider optimizing how the system uses lines. In the Line Hunt Groups section of the software we recommend that you enable the ‘Hunt lines on same unit first’ option. Also try to keep a proportionate number of lines connected to each TalkSwitch that properly matches the number of extensions connected (extensions that are actually used frequently).
106 TalkSwitch User Manual