Auto Attendant
The purpose of the Auto Attendant is to greet callers and instruct them as to which number(s) they should press on their telephone keypad to reach a particular extension, person, message, or department. Callers can also directly dial Local Extensions (1xx), Remote Extensions (2xx), Extension Ring Groups
A total of 9 different Auto Attendants can be recorded or loaded with a combined total time of 25 minutes (shared with voicemail, but can be expanded on the TalkSwitch 48 using TalkSwitch Memory cards). You do not have to use or record all 9 Auto Attendants.
When 2 or more units are networked, they share the same 9 Auto
Attendants. When an Auto Attendant message is recorded on any Networked TalkSwitch unit, it is automatically copied to all the other TalkSwitch units on the same LAN. This feature helps reduce network traffic and allows any system to continue functioning even if another unit loses power or is
disconnected from the LAN.
TalkSwitch User Manual