Chapter 12

SLA Monitoring.

SLA Traceroute result Now that the SLA traceroute process has been started you can view the SLA

traceroute results.

Use the following command:

=>:sla traceroute list
route: [owner = modem] dest =
size = 0 timeout[s] = 3 probePerHop = 3
port = 33434 maxTTL = 30 InitialTTL = 1
frequency[s] = 0 maxrows = 50
maxfailures = 5 createHopEntries = no
trapflag =
type = UdpEcho storagetype =nonVolatile
descr =
srcaddr =
intf = none bypassrt = no dsfield = 0
dffield = no
result Info
status = stopped
currHopCount = 1 currProbeCount = 3
testAttempts = 1 testSuccesses = 1
lastGoodPath = 02/01/70 06:02:22.242930