Fault Messages
When the XW Auto Generator Start detects a fault condition, it stops the generator. The red Fault light also comes on, and the XW System Control Panel displays a fault message.
The XW Auto Generator Start remembers the GenMode that it was in at the time it detected the fault. After you have cleared the fault, the XW Auto Generator Start returns to its last known GenMode.
Table | XW Auto Generator Start Fault Messages |
| ||
Fault |
| Self- |
Number | Message | clearing? | Cause | Action |
F200 | Exceeded max | No | The XW Auto Generator Start | Check the generator’s fuel |
| number of start |
| has tried and failed to start the | level and start battery |
| tries. Check gen, |
| generator. To prevent draining | condition. Consult |
| clear fault. |
| the start battery, the XW Auto | generator manual. |
| Generator Start will suspend | Clear fault on System |
| further start attempts. | Control Panel screen to |
| allow retry. |
F201 | Unable to stop | No | The XW Auto Generator Start | Change the XW Auto |
| gen. Stop gen via |
| has lost contact with the | Generator Start mode to |
| its control panel. |
| generator or the generator did | Manual Off. |
| not stop after the XW Auto | If this fails to work, stop |
| Generator Start sent it a stop | the generator with the |
| signal. | external stop switch. |
| Check generator. |
| Return XW Auto |
| Generator Start to |
| automatic mode to resume |
| automatic starts and stops. |
F203 | Manual Off: Gen | No | An external sensor connected | After the sensor |
| stopped by ext |
| to the XW Auto Generator | connected to the external |
| sensor. Reset |
| Start has stopped the generator | shutdown has deactivated, |
| GenMode. |
| and put the XW Auto | clear the fault and reset |
| Generator Start into Manual | the XW Auto Generator |
| Off mode. | Start to the desired mode. |