More This command takes effect whenever the bypass slot is chosen, either through the Emulation Menu, or the paper source selection command (Ec9).

The command remains in effect until either a Reset command or another paper tray or bypass slot paper size command is received. The default value is restored after a reset.

If more than one bypass slot paper size command is entered on a page, the printer recognises only the last one.

Note: 2-sided printing is not possible with this command.


Purpose Offsets sheets in the stacker at specified places in the job.



Where to place it Before any printable data on the page. If Offset is entered within the printable contents of the page, it takes effect on the next page.

More The default condition for offsetting is set through the printer control panel. Pages can be offset:

ÐAt job boundaries with E+P

ÐUpon explicit command (Eo).

Refer to the Xerox 4213 Laser Printer User Guide for information on setting the default.

The printer's offset feature works like a toggle; that is, each time either a job control command or an Offset command is entered, the condition of offsetting is toggled to its opposite state, which is either enabled or disabled. Thus, it is possible to change the state of offsetting within a job as many times as desired.

If you were printing a 2-sidedjob and included an Offset command at the top of pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 (2/3, 4/5, and 6/7), no offsetting would appear because of the ªtogglingº of the command. If an Offset command were at the top of pages 3, 5, and 7, then pages 3/4 and 7/8 would offset, and all subsequent pages in other jobs would also offset.



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Xerox 4213 manual Offset