Micro Panel Contents
If the oil temperature rises above 220ºF (104ºC) and SV position is <60 steps, the micro will pump down the compressor and shut it off. The micro will not allow the effected system to restart for a period of 15 minutes. A message indicating the compressor start inhibit will be displayed An example of the display is shown below.
S Y S | # | D S C H | / O I L | I N H I B |
S Y S | # | D S C H | / O I L | I N H I B |
The Local Cooling Setpoints key is used to program the required Leaving Chilled Liquid control temperatures for the application. When the key is pressed, the fol- lowing message will be displayed:
S E T P O | I N T | = |
| 4 4 | . | 0 | ° | F |
R A N G E = | + | / - | 2 | . | 0 | ° | F | |
Key in the desired Chilled Liquid Setpoint and the allowable deviation (Range). The micro will accept values from 10.0 - 70.0°F
O U T O F R A N G E -
T R Y A G A I N !
After the Setpoint is keyed in, the cursor will automati- cally advance to the first digit of the Range as shown:
S E T P O | I N T | = |
| 4 4 . | 0 | ° | F |
R A N G E = | + | / - | 2 . | 0 | ° | F | |
This value should be programmed for the maximum de- sirable positive and negative chilled liquid temperature deviation that is acceptable from setpoint for the system application. A typical value would be +/- 2.0°F (1.1°C). The micro will accept a range from 1.5 - 2.5°F (0.9 to 1.4°C).
After the Setpoint and Range is keyed in, press the ENTER Key to store the data in memory.
Failure to press the Enter key will cause the newly programmed values to be ignored and not entered into memory.
After pressing the Enter key, the display will continue to show the message until another key is pressed.
Remote Cooling Setpoints key allows resetting the set- point upward from the programmed value in memory from a remote device. This feature is typically used for demand limiting or ice storage applications. Reset is accomplished by timed closure of external contacts for a defined period of time and allows reset of the setpoint upward by up to 40°F (22°C) above the setpoint pro- grammed in memory – see Section 1.7.
The maximum allowable reset must be programmed into memory and can be a value of 2 to 40°F (1 to 22°C) de- pending on user requirements. To program the maximum reset, press the Remote Reset Temperature Range key. The following message will appear:
R E M | S E T P = |
| 4 4 | . | 0 | ° | F |
R A N G E = + | / - | 2 | . | 0 | ° | F | |
The display indicates the Remote Setpoint which is always equal to the chilled liquid setpoint programmed by the Chilled Liquid Temperature/Range key plus the offset from the remote reset signal. The display will also show the Range which is the programmed maximum de- viation allowed for the application. The RANGE display is not programmable, and only the setpoint will change as a result of a signal from a remote device.
M A X E M S - P W M R E M O T E T E M P R E S E T = + 4 0 ° F
Pressing the REM RESET TEMP RANGE Key again scrolls the display to the MAX
The cursor will stop beneath the first digit of the max- imum reset. Key in the maximum reset allowed for the application, remembering to use a leading “0” for values less than 10°F (or 10°C). Press the ENTER Key to store the new value in memory.