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Messages showing each week day and the holiday start/stop schedule, as shown below, can be displayed using the Set Schedule / Holiday key:
M O N S T A R T | = | 0 6 | : | 0 0 | A M |
S T O P | = | 0 5 | : | 3 0 | P M |
The displays for each day are scrolled through by re- petitively pressing the set Schedule/Holiday key. To re- program any of the daily schedules, key in the new Start time then, if necessary, change the associated AM/PM
by pressing the | or key. |
The | or | key can only be pressed |
once to change AM/PM. If an error is made, press Cancel and begin again.
Next key in the Stop Time (the cursor will automatically skip from AM/PM to the first digit of the stop time when a “number key” is pressed) and the AM/PM if necessary. Now press the ENTER key to store the new schedule. The display will scroll to the next day. If an unacceptable time is entered, the following message will be displayed for 3 seconds then return to the schedule display:
T R Y A G A I N !
New start/stop times programmed for Monday are automatically used for all of the following days of the week.
Always use the Set Schedule/Holiday key, not the Enter key to scroll through the schedule displays. Pressing the ENTER key after viewing Monday will change times programmed for the remainder of the week to the Monday schedule.
If the chiller is not cycled by the Daily Schedule, but is required to run whenever remote cycling devices, system switches, and main Chiller ON/OFF switch are in the ON position, all 00.00s should be programmed into the daily schedule. This can be done manually for individual days or for all days by pressing Cancel and Enter for the Monday Start/Stop schedule.
Programming the DAILYSCHEDULE will not affect the holiday schedule.
If the chiller is not required to run on a given day, the Start time should be programmed for 00:00 AM and the Stop time programmed for 12:00 AM.
Continue to program each day as needed. After SUN has been entered, the Holiday message will be displayed:
H O L S T A R T | = | 0 8 | : | 3 0 | A M |
S T O P | = | 1 2 | : | 0 0 | P M |
The Holiday (HOL) Start / Stop allows a specific day(s) to be assigned for special requirements. This is provided so that a day(s) needing special start / stop requirements can be programmed without disturbing the normal work- ing schedule. The start / stop times for the Holiday sched- ule are programmed just as any other day.
Only one start/stop time can be pro- grammed which will apply to each of the Holiday days selected.
After the Enter key is pressed, a display to designate which days of the week are holidays will appear:
S * M | T | W | T | F | S |
H O L I D A Y N O T E D B Y * |
| ||||
When the display appears, the cursor will first stop af- ter Sunday as shown. To designate a day as a holiday, press the “ * ” key. If a day marked as a holiday is not to be a holiday, press the “ * ” key. When the “ * ” key is pressed, the cursor will advance to the next day. Use the or keys to move back and forth among days. After all the holiday days are programmed, press Enter to store the new data. The display will then return to the beginning of the Daily Schedule (MON).
The Holiday Schedule is only executed once, then erased from memory. This avoids the need for reprogramming after the holiday, as most special Holi- day Schedule requirements occur only occasionally.