ZyWALL 5/35/70 Series User’s Guide



4.1 myZyXEL.com overview

myZyXEL.com is ZyXEL’s online services center where you can register your ZyWALL and manage subscription services available for the ZyWALL.

Note: You need to create an account before you can register your device and activate the services at myZyXEL.com.

You can directly create a myZyXEL.com account, register your ZyWALL and activate a service using the REGISTRATION screen. Alternatively, go to http://www.myZyXEL.com with the ZyWALL’s serial number and LAN MAC address to register it. Refer to the web site’s on-line help for details.

Note: To activate a service on a ZyWALL, you need to access myZyXEL.com via that ZyWALL.

4.1.1 Subscription Services Available on the ZyWALL

At the time of writing, the ZyWALL can use content filtering, anti-spam, anti-virus and IDP (Intrusion Detection and Prevention) subscription services.

Content filtering allows or blocks access to web sites. Subscribe to category-based content filtering to block access to categories of web sites based on content. Your ZyWALL accesses an external database that has millions of web sites categorized based on content. You can have the ZyWALL block, block and/or log access to web sites based on these categories.

Anti-spam identifies and marks or discards spam e-mail. An anti-spam subscription lets the ZyWALL check e-mail with an external anti-spam server.

Anti-virus allows the ZyWALL to scan packets for computer viruses and deletes the infected packets.

IDP allows the ZyWALL to detect malicious or suspicious packets and respond immediately.

The ID&P and anti-virus features use the same signature files on the ZyWALL to detect and scan for viruses. After the service is activated, the ZyWALL downloads the up-to-date signature files from the update server (http://myupdate.zywall.zyxel.com).

Chapter 4 Registration