ZyWALL 5/35/70 Series User’s Guide

CH A P T E R 33

SMT Menu 1 - General Setup

Menu 1 - General Setup contains administrative and system-related information.

33.1 Introduction to General Setup

Menu 1 - General Setup contains administrative and system-related information.

33.2 Configuring General Setup

1Enter 1 in the main menu to open Menu 1 - General Setup.

2The Menu 1 - General Setup screen appears, as shown next. Fill in the required fields.

Figure 268 Menu 1: General Setup (Router Mode)

Menu 1 - General Setup

System Name=

Domain Name=

Device Mode= Router Mode

Edit Dynamic DNS= No

Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:

The following table describes the fields in this menu.

Table 184 Menu 1: General Setup (Router Mode)





System Name

Choose a descriptive name for identification purposes. It is recommended you enter


your computer’s “Computer name” in this field. This name can be up to 30


alphanumeric characters long. Spaces are not allowed, but dashes “-” and


underscores "_" are accepted.

Domain Name

Enter the domain name (if you know it) here. If you leave this field blank, the ISP


may assign a domain name via DHCP. You can go to menu 24.8 and type "sys


domain name" to see the current domain name used by your router.


The domain name entered by you is given priority over the ISP assigned domain


name. If you want to clear this field just press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER].

Device Mode

Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select Router Mode.



Chapter 33 SMT Menu 1 - General Setup