ZyWALL 5/35/70 Series User’s Guide

Figure 236 ALG

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 163 ALG





Enable FTP

Select this check box to allow FTP sessions to pass through the ZyWALL. FTP (File


Transfer Program) is a program that enables fast transfer of files, including large files


that may not be possible by e-mail.

Enable H.323

Select this check box to allow H.323 sessions to pass through the ZyWALL. H.323 is


a protocol used for audio communications over networks.

Enable SIP ALG

Select this check box to allow SIP sessions to pass through the ZyWALL. SIP is a


signaling protocol used in VoIP (Voice over IP), the sending of voice signals over


Internet Protocol.

SIP Timeout

Most SIP clients have an “expire” mechanism indicating the lifetime of signaling


sessions. The SIP user agent sends registration packets to the SIP server


periodically and keeps the session alive in the ZyWALL.


If the SIP client does not have this mechanism and makes no calls during the


ZyWALL SIP timeout (default 60 minutes), the ZyWALL SIP ALG drops any incoming


calls after the timeout period. Enter the SIP signaling session timeout value.


Click Apply to save your changes back to the ZyWALL.




Click Reset to begin configuring this screen afresh.




Chapter 29 ALG Screen