ZyWALL 5/35/70 Series User’s Guide

Table 204 Menu 6.2: Traffic Redirect






This field sets this route's priority among the routes the ZyWALL uses.


Enter a number from 1 to 15 to set this route's priority among the ZyWALL's


routes (see Section 7.5 on page 130) The smaller the number, the higher


priority the route has.

When you have completed this menu, press [ENTER] at the prompt "Press ENTER to Confirm…" to save your configuration, or press [ESC] at any time to cancel.

38.4 Route Failover

This menu allows you to configure how the ZyWALL uses the route assessment ping check function.

Figure 297 Menu 6.3: Route Failover

Menu 6.3 - Route Failover

Period= 5

Timeout=: 3

Fail Tolerance= 3

Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:

The following table describes the fields in this menu.

Table 205 Menu 6.3: Route Failover






Type the number of seconds for the ZyWALL to wait between checks to see if it


can connect to the WAN IP address (in the Check Point field of menu 6.1) or the


default gateway. Allow more time if your destination IP address handles lots of




Type the number of seconds for your ZyWALL to wait for a ping response from the


IP address in the Check Point field of menu 6.1 before it times out. The WAN


connection is considered "down" after the ZyWALL times out the number of times


specified in the Fail Tolerance field. Use a higher value in this field if your network


is busy or congested.

Fail Tolerance

Type the number of times your ZyWALL may attempt and fail to connect to the


Internet before traffic is forwarded to the backup gateway.

When you have completed this menu, press [ENTER] at the prompt "Press ENTER to Confirm…" to save your configuration, or press [ESC] at any time to cancel.

Chapter 38 Route Setup