flickering on television screen, eliminating 111
floppy disk drive, illustration 69 floppy disks
copying 53
copying system software onto
Apple Extras 86, 102 Control Panels 108, 109 creating 38, 54
Disk Images 134
Extensions 124 opening 39
formatting a disk in DOS format 121,
frame, capturing a video image frame 104
furniture, arranging
GeoPort 70, 71, 80
GeoPort Telecom Adapter, connecting 80
graphics tablet, connecting 78 grounding plug 2
Guide to Apple Extras 86, 102
hard disks
copying items to and from 53
using hard disk space as memory 83
computer use
I, J
ADB 8, 78
blinking question mark 11,
“bomb” 115 copying 47 deselecting 46 Ethernet 81
hard disk 11, 25, 46 Help menu 55 modem and GeoPort 80 naming 47
opening 47
placing in folders 39, 54 printer port 77 renaming 47
“sad Macintosh” 119 SCSI 72
Trash 40, 46 Video Monitor 102 “X” 119
ID number. See SCSI ID number initializing a disk in DOS format
Input Source dialog box