screen saver program 118 scroll arrows 48
scroll box 48 SCSI cables 75 SCSI devices
SCSI ID number, setting
SCSI terminators 76 second monitor port 6 security lock, attaching 82 security lock port 70, 71, 82 selecting
icons 43, 46 menu items 55 text 43
setting up
the computer
shared libraries 84, 125 short name of a file 153 Shut Down (Special menu) 44 SimpleText program
(SIMMs) 68 size box 48
Small Computer System Interface. See SCSI
software. See programs solutions to problems. See
combining with video
Sound control panel
connecting a microphone 79, 107 connecting a VCR 101 connecting external devices 90 illustration
stereo miniplug and 88
sound output, sample rate for 91, 92 sound output port
connecting external devices 91 connecting speakers 93 illustration
stereo miniplug and 88, 107 speakers
external 89, 93 internal 94
Special menu Empty Trash 41, 48
Erase Disk 53,
Shut Down 44
spoken commands 79, 89, 91 standard monitors 4, 6, 7
“standby” state when computer is off 3 starting the computer
from the Install Me First floppy disk 129
from the Power Macintosh CD 128 startup disk 124, 127
startup monitor, using a television as 112 static electricity, discharging 63
stereo equipment, connecting. See connecting equipment to the Macintosh
stereo miniplug 88, 89, 93,
stereo sound, playing and recording
suffixes, added to DOS document names 143,
connecting a cable with RCA plugs 99
connecting a VCR 101 illustration 71, 97