installing. See also connecting equipment to the Macintosh; reinstalling
setting up the computer
Install Me First disk 129
Internal CD Input Source option 90, 108 internal speaker, playing audio CD
through 94 Interrupt switch 69
keyboard connecting 8
proper positioning of 19, 20 problems with 123
keyboard cable 8 keyboard shortcuts 56
long name of a file 153
Macintosh applications, assigning DOS/Windows documents to
Macintosh Basics
practicing what you learned
taking the tour
Exchange program
allocating to video images 104, 105 expanding 68
requirements for Power Macintosh applications 83
troubleshooting 124 video RAM 104
virtual memory 83, 84, 124 Memory control panel
Memory Manager setting 85, 125 virtual memory and 124
menu bar, can’t see after using a television as a monitor 112
menus, choosing items from 55 microphone, connecting 79, 89, 106, 107 Microphone Input Source option
Microsoft Excel (Windows) version 3.0 documents, assigning to Macintosh programs 145,
Microsoft Word (Windows) version 2.0 documents, assigning to Macintosh programs 145,
miniplug. See stereo miniplug modem, connecting 80 modem port 70, 71
connecting a printer to 77 Modern Memory Manager (Memory
control panel) 85