documents creating
on a
document types 143,
formatting 121,
assigning Macintosh programs to
opening from a Macintosh program
problems with 125, 126 types 143,
DOS filename conventions
DOS/Windows programs, assigning documents to Macintosh programs
Easy Install dialog box 131, 132 Edit menu, Copy 104 ejecting floppy disks 52, 119 Empty Trash (Special menu) 41, 48 Enter key. See Return key
Erase Disk (Special menu) 53,
floppy disks 53,
error messages, general suggestions for resolving
Ethernet networks, connecting to
EtherTalk Phase 2 support 80 expansion card
for connecting to a Token Ring network 81
installing 3,
removing 64 replacing 66
expansion slots 59, 60, 65, 66 extensions, DOS filename. See suffixes Extensions folder 124
external devices for sound input/output 90, 91
external speakers 89, 93
external terminators for SCSI devices 76 eye fatigue related to computer use 17,
18, 20
fatigue from computer use, avoiding 20 file formats 143, 152
File menu Close 50 Duplicate 47
New Folder 38, 54 Open 47, 50
Put Away 48 Quit 37
filenames. See also suffixes DOS vs. Macintosh
files, storing in folders 39 Finder
getting back to 42 keyboard shortcuts in 56