Health-related information about computer use
Muscle soreness, eye fatigue, and other discomforts and injuries sometimes associated with using computers can occur from performing any number of activities. In fact, misuse of the same muscles during multiple activities can create a problem that might not otherwise exist. For example, if you engage in nonwork activities that involve repetitive stress on the
The most common health effects associated with using a computer are musculoskeletal discomfort and eye fatigue. We’ll discuss each area of concern below. For information about electric and magnetic emissions, look in the reference material that came with your computer.
Musculoskeletal discomfort
As with any activity that involves sitting for long periods of time, using a computer can make your muscles sore and stiff. To minimize these effects, set up your work environment carefully, using the guidelines that follow, and take frequent breaks to rest tired muscles. To make working with your computer more comfortable, allow enough space in your work area so that you can change position frequently and maintain a relaxed posture.
Another type of musculoskeletal concern is repetitive stress injuries (RSIs), also known as cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs). These problems can occur when a certain muscle or tendon is repeatedly overused and forced into an unnatural position. The exact causes of RSIs are not totally understood, but in addition to awkward posture, such factors as the amount of repetition, the force used in the activity, the individual’s physiology, workplace stress level, and lifestyle may affect the likelihood of experiencing an RSI.
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