ADB 8, 70, 71, 78 Audio In
on speakers 93 on VCR 107
Audio Out ports on VCR 101 camera 71
Ethernet 70, 71, 81
GeoPort 70, 71, 80
connecting a microphone 79, 107 connecting a VCR 101 connecting external devices 90 illustration
stereo miniplug and 88 sound output
connecting external devices 91 connecting speakers 93 illustration
stereo miniplug and 88, 107
connecting a cable with RCA plugs 99
connecting a VCR 101 illustration 71, 97
connecting a cable with RCA plugs 99
connecting a television 109 illustration 71, 97
Video In port
on television 107
on VCR 99, 106, 109
Video Out port on VCR 99, 101, 106 positioning the monitor 4, 19, 20
power cord computer
Power Macintosh CD
copying system software onto floppy disks
installing PC Exchange 121 reinstalling system software 127, 132 starting the computer from 119, 122,
123, 128
Power On key 10, 44. See also
power switch
Power on light 69
PowerPC microprocessor, overview ix power socket 70, 71
power supply case, discharging static electricity 63
power switch. See also Power On key on computer 3, 44, 70, 71
on monitor 9, 12
practicing skills learned in Macintosh Basics tour
Preferences folder 151
prerecorded materials, copyright laws and 104
printer, connecting 9, 77 printer port 70, 71, 77 problems. See troubleshooting programs
AppleCD Audio Player 94 assigning documents from
DOS/windows programs to Macintosh programs
can’t open because a file can’t be found 125
CD Remote 94 Chooser 77 closing 37
designed for Power Macintosh computers
Disk Copy