Chapter 7 Convenient Functions and System Settings

Section 7

Sounds input to the GS-10 bypass the processing and are
output directly as is.
* This is set to “Bypass” when shipped from the factory.
1. Press [TUNER], causing the indicator to light.
2. Press PARAMETER [ ] [ ] until you have either
“Tuner Pitch” or “Tuner Output” displayed.
3. Rotate the VALUE dial to change the settings.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 to change each parameter’s
5. Press [TUNER] or [EXIT] to return to the Play screen.
Switching Tuner On and Off with the External Pedal
You can use an external pedal (such as the FS-5U)
connected to the EXP PEDAL CTL 1,2 jack to switch the
tuner on and off.
Use the Assign (p. 60) settings to set the following to one
of the Assigns in ASSIGN 1–8.
Target: TUNER On/Off
Target Min: On
Target Max: Off
Source: CTL1 (or CTL2)
Mode: Toggle
Act. Range Lo: 0
Act. Range Hi: 1–127

Adjusting the Display

Contrast (LCD Contrast)

Depending on where the GS-10 is placed, the display may
become difficult to read. If this occurs, adjust the display
1. Press [SYSTEM] a number of times until “LCD
Contrast” is displayed.
* You can also select this by pressing [SYSTEM], and then
pressing PARAMETER [ ] [ ].
2. Rotate the PATCH/VALUE dial to adjust the contrast.
Valid Settings: 1–16
3. Press [EXIT] to return to the Play screen.
Limiting the Patches That Can Be Switched (Patch Extent)
By setting an upper limit to the patches, thus limiting the
range of patches that can be switched, you can set the GS-10
so that only the patches you need can be selected.
1. Press [SYSTEM], then press PARAMETER [ ]
[] so that “Patch Extent” is displayed.
2. Rotate the PATCH/VALUE dial to set the upper limit
for the patches.
Valid Settings: U001–U100, P101–P200
3. Press [EXIT] to return to the Play screen.

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