
MIDI Machine Control (MMC)

F0H 7FH 7FH 06H com F7H
F0H = System Exclusive
7FH = ID Number (Universal Realtime Message)
7FH = Device ID (Broadcast)
06H = Sub ID#1(Machine Control Command)
com = Sub ID#2(MMC Command)
F7H = EOX (End of Exclusive/System common)
* “com” (MMC Command) that I transmit with GS-10 is following.
01H Stop
02H Play
44H 06H 01H 00H 00H 00H 00H 00H RESET
On the GS-10, exclusive messages can be used as follows. - Transmit/receive GS-10 system/
patch data.
The model ID for GS-10 exclusive messages is 00H 63H, and you can set up the device ID at


Request Data 1 RQ1(11H)

F0H 41H dev 00H 63H 11H aaH bbH ccH ddH ssH ttH uuH vvH sum F7H
F0H = Exclusive Status
41H = Manufacturer ID (Roland)
dev = Device ID (Dev=00H-1FH)
00H = Model ID MSB (GS-10)
63H = Model ID LSB (GS-10)
11H = Command ID (RQ1)
aaH = Address MSB
bbH = Address :
ccH = Address :
ddH = Address LSB
ssH = Size MSB
ttH = Size :
uuH = Size :
vvH = Size LSB
sum = Checksum
F7H = EOX (End of System Exclusive)
* This message can only be received, and is not transmitted from the GS-10.
*When transmitting large Size values spanning fragmented addresses, the data can be
transmitted only to those addresses that are contiguous.

Data Set 1 DT1(12H)

F0H 41H dev 00H 63H 12H aaH bbH ccH ddH eeH ... ffH sum F7H
F0H = Exclusive Status
41H = Manufacturer ID (Roland)
dev = Device ID (dev = 00H-1FH)
00H = Model ID MSB (GS-10)
63H = Model ID LSB (GS-10)
12H = Command ID (DT1)
aaH = Address MSB
bbH = Address :
ccH = Address :
ddH = Address LSB
eeH = Data
: = :
ffH = Data
sum = Checksum
F7H = EOX (End of System Exclusive)
*When transmitting large amounts of data spanning fragmented addresses, the data can
be transmitted only to those addresses that are contiguous.

Inquiry Message

Identity Request
F0H 7EH 10H 06H 01H F7H
F0H = Exclusive Status
7EH = ID Number
10H = Device ID
06H = Sub ID#1
01H = Sub ID#2
F7H = EOX (End of System Exclusive)
* The 7FH (Broadcast) device ID is also supported.
*When an Identity Request is received, the GS-10 will transmitted the following Identity
Identity Reply
F0H 7EH 10H 06H 02H 41H 63H 01H 00H 00H 00H 00H 00H 00H F7H
F0H= Exclusive Status
7EH= ID Number (Universal Non-realtime Message)
10H= Device ID
06H= Sub ID#1
02H= Sub ID#2
41H= ID Number (Roland)
63H 01H= Device Family Code
00H 00H= Device Family Number Code
00H 00H 00H 00H= Software Revision Level
F7H= EOX (End of System Exclusive)
*When an Identity Request is received, the GS-10 will transmitted the following Identity
The address and size are displayed under 7-bit hexadecimal notation.
Address MSB LSB
Binary 0aaa aaaa 0bbb bbbb 0ccc cccc 0ddd dddd
7-bit Hexadecimal AA BB CC DD
Binary 0sss ssss 0ttt tttt 0uuu uuuu 0vvv vvvv
7-bit Hexadecimal SS TT UU VV