Legal Limitations
Color reproductions of certain documents are illegal and may result in either criminal or civil liability. This memorandum is intended to be a guide rather than a complete listing of every possible prohibition. In case of doubt, we suggest that you check with counsel regarding questionable documents.
Copyrighted works cannot be copied; however, sections of a copyrighted work can be copied for “fair use.” Multiple copies would indicate improper use.
The following documents issued by the United States/Canadian Government or any of its Agencies may not be copied:
■Paper money
■Bonds or other certificates of indebtedness
■Certificates of Deposit
■Internal Revenue Stamps (canceled or uncanceled)
■Selective Service or draft papers
■United States/Canadian Postage Stamps (canceled or uncanceled)
■Food Stamps
■Immigration Papers
■Checks or drafts drawn by Governmental agencies
■Identifying badges or insignias
■Licenses and Certificates of Title to motor vehicles (under certain state/provincial laws)
Works of art should be considered the equivalent of copyrighted works.
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