11.2.2Selecting a Network/Slot/Port
When the Device Statistics screen first appears, statistics are displayed for Network 1, Slot 1, and Port 1. To view statistics for another Network, Slot, and Port, use the NETWORK X, SLOT X, or PORT X commands at the bottom of the screen.
To select a Network, Slot, or Port:
1.Using the arrow keys, highlight the NETWORK X, SLOT X, or PORT X command.
2.Press the Shift and + keys together, or just the - key until the desired network, slot, or port number appears.
3.Press the Return key. Statistics associated with the selected network, slot, or port appear.
11.2.3Enabling Ports
The ENABLE PORT command lets you enable the port selected in the PORT command. You must first use the PORT command to select the desired port.
To set the PORT ENABLE command:
1.Use the arrow keys to highlight the ENABLE PORT command at the bottom of the screen.
2.Press the Return key. The PORT ADMIN. STATUS field displays “ENABLE”.