
Registeringlongdistance Whenyou registera longdistancenumber,you may numbers haveto inserta pauseeitherwithinor afterthe number.

Thelocationof the pauseandthe actualpausetime maydifferdependingon thetelephonesystem.lf you experienceproblemswithlongdistancedialingof numbersregisteredfor One-touchor Codedspeed dialing,contactyour Canonauthorizeddealer.

To inserta pauseinthenumber,press

TpA-T]l3_Pauses-l. areshowninthedisplay

A S A P .

. A pause enteredat the end of a number is displayed as an upper-case P and givesa 10second pausein dialing.

0 2 =

3 I 2 2 2 8 5 7 0 0 P

. A pauseentercd within a number is displayed as a lower-case p and gives a 2 second pausein dialing. The length of thls pause can be adjusted. ( + 85)

0 2 =

e 3 I 2 2 2 8 5 7 0 0

oMore than 1 pausecan be entered to createcontinuous pauseswithinnumbers.Eachpause is 2 seconds. ln the examplebelow, the 2 pausescreate a continuous pause of 4 seconds.

0 2 =

1 p p 3 1 2 2 2 8 5 7

Registeringnumbersfor tf you are usinga PBX(privatebranchexchange),you dialingthrougha PBX may haveto inserta pauseafterthe outsideline

numberwhenyou registera numberfor One-touch dialing.lf you experienceproblemswithdialing throughyourswitchboard,contactyourCanon authorizeddealer.

lf you needto adjustthe pausetime,followthe procedurein the nextsection.

Pressrcr-rTtto registerthenumber.


. The display changes to promptyou for the otherparty's name.



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Image 103
Canon B75 manual Pressrcr-rTtto registerthenumber